General WeaveGrid FAQs
- What is WeaveGrid?
- What is the difference between evPulse and WeaveGrid?
- How does WeaveGrid collect, use, and protect driver data?
- How does WeaveGrid communicate with my Tesla and what information from my Tesla does WeaveGrid need access to?
- How does WeaveGrid know when I am charging my EV?
- Is there a fee to join WeaveGrid?
Vehicle Charging TOU Rate FAQs
- What are the steps to get enrolled and how long does it take?
- Do I need to have specific charging equipment to participate?
- What electric vehicles (EVs) and home charging stations are qualified to participate in the Vehicle Charging TOU Rate?
- Can I participate in the Vehicle Charging Time of Use Rate using a Tesla Universal Mobile Connector?
- Can I enroll in the Vehicle Charging TOU Rate through my home charger and my vehicle?
- Can I be enrolled in more than one program at once?
Smart Charge Management FAQs
- Which vehicles are eligible for the Smart Charge Management Program?
- Smart Charge Management Quickstart Guide
- How does Automatic Smart Charging work?
- Is there a deadline for enrolling in the Smart Charge Management program?
- I have a Level 1 Charger (L1) with slower charging speeds, how can I increase my Smart score?
- When do I receive my monthly bill credit?